Collaborative Robots vs. AGVs: Which is Better for Assembly Lines

May 25, 2022

Assembly lines require costly and time-consuming tasks that are repetitive and mundane. Companies have to invest in automation technologies to execute these tasks efficiently while reducing costs. Collaborative robots and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are two popular technologies used in modern assembly lines. But which one is better? To help you make an informed decision, we have compared both technologies' pros and cons.

Collaborative Robots

Collaborative robots (cobots) are a type of robot designed to work safely alongside humans. They have sensors that detect the presence of people and stop moving if someone crosses its path. Cobots are versatile and can handle different assembly line operations like welding, painting, material handling, and packaging. They reduce the risk of work-related injuries and make the workplace safer.

Advantages of Collaborative Robots

  • Cobots are easy to program and can be reprogrammed quickly to handle different tasks.
  • They take up very little space as compared to traditional robots
  • Cobots do not require any barriers or protective enclosures, allowing them to work next to human operators
  • They minimize errors and improve production efficiency
  • Cobots can work around the clock without compromising on quality

Disadvantages of Collaborative Robots

  • Cobots have a limited payload capacity, which restricts them from handling heavy-duty operations.
  • They are expensive, with an average starting cost of $25,000 for a 5kg payload capacity robot.

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)

AGVs are Autonomous vehicles designed to move materials or products from one location to another using pre-defined pathways or magnets embedded in factory floors. They are used for material handling and assembly operations and reduce the need for manual labor.

Advantages of AGVs

  • AGVs enhance material handling efficiency by reducing the time required to transport materials or products
  • They improve workplace safety by reducing the need for manual labor
  • AGVs reduce the risk of damage during transportation, improving product quality
  • They are ideal for heavy-duty operations that require the transportation of large materials or products.

Disadvantages of AGVs

  • AGVs require modifications to the factory floor to install permanent sensors or magnetic strips.
  • They need to follow strictly defined pathways, meaning some areas may be inaccessible to AGVs.
  • AGVs have limited flexibility in handling different tasks, hence requiring additional customization which can be costly.


In conclusion, both Collaborative Robots and AGVs offer many benefits to modern assembly lines. Collaborative robots are ideal for small and precise tasks, while AGVs are perfect for heavy-duty operations. If you are looking for a technology to reduce manual labor and improve safety, either of the two could work for you. Ultimately, the key to a successful assembly line automation project is to understand your specific needs and choose the technology that aligns with those needs.


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